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분류단계 물품분류번호 품명 영문명 선택
대분류단계 10 산동식물및동식물성생산품 Live Plant and Animal Material and Accessories and Supplies
대분류단계 11 광물,직물및비식용동식물자원 Mineral and Textile and Inedible Plant and Animal Materials
대분류단계 12 화학제품 Chemicals Including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials
대분류단계 13 수지,고무,탄성중합체 Resin and Rosin and Rubber and Foam and Film and Elastomeric Materials
대분류단계 14 종이원료및종이제품 Paper Materials and Products
대분류단계 15 연료,연료첨가제,윤활유및방부식제 Fuels and Fuel Additives and Lubricants and Anti Corrosive Materials
대분류단계 20 광산기계및액세서리 Mining and well drilling machinery and accessories
대분류단계 21 농.수.임.축산용기계 Farming and fishing and forestry and wildlife machinery and accessories
대분류단계 22 건축건설기계및보조용품 Building and construction machinery and accessories
대분류단계 23 산업용제조가공기계및액세서리 Industrial manufacturing and processing machinery and accessories

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